Sunday, May 1, 2011

A secret isn't a secret if you tell it..

I've realized it's very hard for me to keep secrets.
I have a feeling in my gut that absolutely refuses to go away until I let everyone I know in on it.
Recently I told Kelsey something that was really starting to get to me.
I wasn't sure how she would take it but to my relief she took it very well.
It's always good to have a friend that can take shocking news well.
Although, apparently it wasn't very shocking to her.
Anyway, the pain is gone and i'm living worry free as of right now.

While i'm at it, I should say that I don't intend for the purpose of this blog to be my way of filling the whole world in on my problems/thoughts. However, it's better than using facebook for that because literally the whole world can see what is written on facebook. I know there are not as many people looking at which is why I feel like it's okay to vent on here.

Here's a little something I enjoy:
the lazy song by bruno mars
His tone is wonderful even if his lyrics are iffy.

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