Monday, April 18, 2011

the little things i notice

As I sit in my three hour English composition class I realize that there are very pretty trees just outside the window with tiny little pink and red flowers covering the branches. I turn on the Florence and the machine Pandora station to drown out my professor and his monotonous babbling about topics that are entirely unrelated to the lesson. I am mysteriously peeling on my right forearm however, I don't remember ever getting a sunburn there. I drew a picture in my notebook a few classes ago and I can still see the outline of it ten pages later. Pink Sharpie marks. I need to use the restroom but because my professor notices a dust bunny out of place, I'll hold it. Pause. I heard a song that I am really liking. A cover of whatever you like by Anya Marina. I bookmarked it to download later. Which reminds me, I need to make a mix CD for mine and Kelsey's trip home this weekend. Hopefully this will remind me to remind myself to do that. I tend to forget to remember things. The kid sitting next to me just flat out stole my favorite purple clicky pen from the hookah lounge. I miss going to the lounge. Maybe next Wednesday we will be able to stop by there. Money is tight lately. Which, ironically is part of the reason I almost quit my job yesterday. Working four frustrating hours is in no way satisfying. In the way that I leave work upset every day that I work and I don't even make enough money to drive to and from work. I keep telling myself: only three weeks left. In three weeks I will miss: Sara, Morgan, Em and Freida, Jack, Ben and Ruth, and missing home. Yes, I will miss missing home. Next weekend I am taking a trip to Moab, Utah to go on the first camping trip of the year with Kelsey, Becca, Zack and Josh. All good friends. Pause. I heard another good song. I realize I've written a lot and I could go on all day. But my elbows are falling asleep.
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