Thursday, April 7, 2011


As I sit on my dorm room floor, surrounded by mounds of clothes, watching the T.V. show "Extreme Hoarders," I realize that I, myself, could be classified as the beginnings of a hoarder. Granted, I do have a place for all of my things but the amount of clothes I have that I don't wear but once a year is ridiculous. Packing them away is taking forever and I can't help but get overwelmed. I can only imagine what moving an entire house full of stuff would feel like. (Thank you mom and dad for not moving us around a lot) I do think it's a great idea that I'm taking a lot of my things back to my parents house because it will make the last day of school a lot less stressfull. Also going down again Easter weekend would be a good time to take more things down.

On a lighter note, Kelsey and I had a really good night tonight. We went to the hookah lounge and hung out for a while while she worked on her french powerpoint. I love going there because it has the best atmosphere and the people that work there are the greatest. They actually sit down and take the time to get to know their frequent customers. After hookah we drove home with Ryan (Kelsey's new beau) on speakerphone. He filled us in on some of the new high school drama that we realized we have not missed at all.

I am very excited to move back home in a little more than a month. I'm excited to be relieved of the anxious feeling I have had quite frequenly up here. I couldn't tell you exactly what I'm anxious about, but I could say it may be part of the cause of my insomnia.

That's all for now. Over and out.

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