Monday, April 18, 2011

whatever you like by anya marina (cover)

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the little things i notice

As I sit in my three hour English composition class I realize that there are very pretty trees just outside the window with tiny little pink and red flowers covering the branches. I turn on the Florence and the machine Pandora station to drown out my professor and his monotonous babbling about topics that are entirely unrelated to the lesson. I am mysteriously peeling on my right forearm however, I don't remember ever getting a sunburn there. I drew a picture in my notebook a few classes ago and I can still see the outline of it ten pages later. Pink Sharpie marks. I need to use the restroom but because my professor notices a dust bunny out of place, I'll hold it. Pause. I heard a song that I am really liking. A cover of whatever you like by Anya Marina. I bookmarked it to download later. Which reminds me, I need to make a mix CD for mine and Kelsey's trip home this weekend. Hopefully this will remind me to remind myself to do that. I tend to forget to remember things. The kid sitting next to me just flat out stole my favorite purple clicky pen from the hookah lounge. I miss going to the lounge. Maybe next Wednesday we will be able to stop by there. Money is tight lately. Which, ironically is part of the reason I almost quit my job yesterday. Working four frustrating hours is in no way satisfying. In the way that I leave work upset every day that I work and I don't even make enough money to drive to and from work. I keep telling myself: only three weeks left. In three weeks I will miss: Sara, Morgan, Em and Freida, Jack, Ben and Ruth, and missing home. Yes, I will miss missing home. Next weekend I am taking a trip to Moab, Utah to go on the first camping trip of the year with Kelsey, Becca, Zack and Josh. All good friends. Pause. I heard another good song. I realize I've written a lot and I could go on all day. But my elbows are falling asleep.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mr. Jack Merrit

I cleaned his room the other day at work and he gave me this loaf! Keep in mind he is a legit hoarder and should be on the show. As he handed me the loaf with a smile he says "I bought this yesterday so it should still be deliciously tasty and delightful!" I have decided jack is my new favorite resident.
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paper thin

I wake up to immature people running around the halls chasing eachother and screaming and slamming doors at least 3 times a week. This morning i woke up to my neighbor and her boyfriend screaming at eachother. Its so clear that i could probably join in the fight. Apparently their business is not so private to them. Nobody realizes exactly how thin these walls are. I mean the walls don't even go all the way to the ceiling! As i write this the couple is still fighting and it sounds like she cheated on him but only for forty five minutes so it doesnt count. Oh boy. Dorm life is not all its cracked up to be at all. 28 days.
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Thursday, April 7, 2011


Aced that puppy!
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Rated R for foul language.


As I sit on my dorm room floor, surrounded by mounds of clothes, watching the T.V. show "Extreme Hoarders," I realize that I, myself, could be classified as the beginnings of a hoarder. Granted, I do have a place for all of my things but the amount of clothes I have that I don't wear but once a year is ridiculous. Packing them away is taking forever and I can't help but get overwelmed. I can only imagine what moving an entire house full of stuff would feel like. (Thank you mom and dad for not moving us around a lot) I do think it's a great idea that I'm taking a lot of my things back to my parents house because it will make the last day of school a lot less stressfull. Also going down again Easter weekend would be a good time to take more things down.

On a lighter note, Kelsey and I had a really good night tonight. We went to the hookah lounge and hung out for a while while she worked on her french powerpoint. I love going there because it has the best atmosphere and the people that work there are the greatest. They actually sit down and take the time to get to know their frequent customers. After hookah we drove home with Ryan (Kelsey's new beau) on speakerphone. He filled us in on some of the new high school drama that we realized we have not missed at all.

I am very excited to move back home in a little more than a month. I'm excited to be relieved of the anxious feeling I have had quite frequenly up here. I couldn't tell you exactly what I'm anxious about, but I could say it may be part of the cause of my insomnia.

That's all for now. Over and out.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's crazy to think... 38 days my first year of college will be over. 53 days I will be a high school graduate for one year. about four months I will be [fingers crossed] moving into an apartment of my own. easy it is to filter out all the bad in your life just by moving to a new place for a year. ready I am to be back in Westminster where I think I belong, for the time being at least. many people I talked to in high school that haven't spoken a word to me since graduation.
...that the best time I've had in GJ has been in the last few weeks. much I honestly miss my family and friends.
...what life will be like after college is over.

The tip of the tongue and the lips...

Movie Review: Black Swan


On a gloomy day...

I lay in bed all day and look at pictures from last night with sara, becca and kels.

These brought a little more sunshine to my day.

Friday, April 1, 2011


This is for Becca.

Tonight, after Becca and I dropped Kelsey off at work we had a date at Fiesta Guadalahara followed by a lovely stroll in the mall. I love her. After I finished my not so great chicken burrito I looked up to see her dancing in her chair to the mexican music playing in the background. We laughed for a good five minutes about that.