Saturday, March 26, 2011


I may have titled this blog something not completely accurate to how i feel. I have a mild undiagnosed case of insomnia and i just can't seem to kick it. So, contrary to what the title seems to state, i am weak. I would give anything to be able to fall asleep on my own, with no outside support (aka tylenol pm, or my new found favorite drink called neuro sleep), around 10pm and wake up around 9am. You would think that would be reasonable, right? However the way my brain works i fall asleep, unassisted, around 4am (no matter how exhausted i am) and when i wake up depends as well. If i'm not disturbed i can easily sleep untill 3pm but if i am woken up early then i am up.

So i guess this means that sleep is for the weak and i am weak. Which is kind of ironic, i think.

Not sleeping gives me a lot of extra alone time to think. That is why i created this blog. To share those thoughts with you. As well as funny videos and good music.
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