Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Food for thought...

So these are just a few things that i've noticed lately, have been pointed out to me, have made me smile, and have made me really think.

When I have nothing better to do..which seems more often than ever lately...I find myself stumbling. Sometimes I think that website knows me personally..more than the random topics I chose.
A day or two ago I stumbled upon this quote:

"find someone that can make you smile and don't give up on them"

My friends are constantly telling me to protect my heart and make sure I don't let him hurt me anymore and I always say that I won't and I'll stand up for myself, but for some reason I find myself trying harder to get closer to him and give him the chance to break my heart again. I feel like if I let go i'm giving up and I don't give up. This quote is exactly how I feel..not only about a guy but about everything that comes my way.
Everyone deserves another chance...right?
This was pointed out to me yesterday,
Something humans take for granted on a daily basis...

Air - every breath we take is taken with nothing given in return. Without getting scientific or religious, I don't know who gives us the air we breath but whoever does, Thank you.

As I was driving home from who knows where the other day, I was blaring my new/old kings of leon CD and thinking about things..about everything.
Something that really stood out to me was the topic of trust. Anyone can say they don't trust easily or "it takes a lot to earn trust"...
When I was sitting in the turn lane waiting for the light to turn green I thought "What exactly is keeping that car on the other side of the intersection from going straight instead of turning?" That car could come barreling into me while i'm just minding my own business. Why am I not concerned about that at all? I assume that person passed the driving test with flying colors and there is no way that will happen. I trust a perfect stranger with my life. Same thing goes for the bus driver in elementary school or even now with public transportation...feel free to think this is just a weird rant but do me a favor and think about this next time you tell someone you don't trust easily. Everyone trusts without even realizing it.

That's all.