Thursday, July 21, 2011

Because I know there will be questions...

I am no longer in a relationship...whatever that means. No matter how naive and immature it may seem, my relationship of less than two weeks is no longer. Even though I was not/am not in love with him I am still more hurt than I have ever been in my life. And this time I mean that. I am past the point of tears. I spent an hour in a steaming hot bubble bath and that was still not enough time to soak the pain away or bring the feeling back to my limbs. I have cried away any emotion that i had left. One of the only sources of happiness in my life is gone. The smile that has been stuck on my face for the past two weeks has faded to an unpleasant frown. But how could I not see this coming? I feel like I was stupid for letting myself believe that pure joy every second of every day would last longer than this. But honestly..if all he needs is some time to realize that I really do make him happy..then my arms are open. Because I can't be that girl that says now or never when I care about him this much. I don't think we were brought to eachother for a two week fling..I honestly feel like it is meant to be a lot longer, but only time will tell.